
Showing posts from August, 2020

Send Unlimited Emails

  EmaiSendMaster makes your email marketing work so easy! EmailSendMaster can Send Bulk Emails, Auto-Reply, Subscribe/Unsubscribe, Deal With Bounced Emails, Create Unlimited Email Templates, Get Emails Sending/Inbox/Open Stats Etc... All You Need For Email Marketing is in EmailSendMaster! EMAIL SEND MASTER Main Functions Send Emails Create unlimited email sending tasks to send your emails super fast. Scheduled sending is available. Auto-Reply EmailSendMaster has a perfect auto-reply function that lets you create fully automated reply tasks based on your email filter settings. You can set different reply emails for different recipients and reply times. Email Template EmailSendMaster has many email templates integrated, you can use them straight out of the box. You also can create plaint-text or html email templates yourself. Subscribe EmailSendMaster can create and manage your subscription list very easily. With this function, you don't need to worry about sending emails to people